Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show Series

Holiday Classic

December 2023 | Date and Location To Be Announced Later


The Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show (TCHS), sponsored by the Siegel CARMA Foundation, celebrates the athleticism, versatility and spirit of Thoroughbreds. The TCHS Series was created to provide Thoroughbreds and their owners the opportunity to show against comparable competition in a cost effective, fun and supportive environment.

Held at a world-class venues, these shows offer competitors the opportunity to compete in Hunters, Jumpers, Dressage, Combined Training, Western and Showmanship. The Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show provides something for everyone—both highly competitive classes for the experienced sport horse contender, and accessible, entry level opportunities for the pleasure riding enthusiast.  We also include a few “Fun” classes to be sure there is truly something for everyone. We want to encourage anyone with an OTTB to join us–regardless of show experience—and be an active part of the TCHS series.

While the number of Thoroughbred-only shows is increasing across the country; there is not a unified network of support for OTTBs in the show world. Not yet.  Our vision is to bring the Thoroughbred back to the competitive arenas they once dominated. We are working to develop relationships with racing breeders and owners, so they can help promote the successful transition from racehorse to sport horse.

The Thoroughbred Classic Horse Show supports Aftercare Organizations instrumental in transitioning Thoroughbreds from racehorses into second careers, and will also help promote and market adoptable thoroughbreds. All proceeds from our shows will directly benefit CARMA's Aftercare Organizations.

Presented by The Siegel CARMA Foundation

The Siegel CARMA Foundation was created in 2009 thanks to a major gift by Mace Siegel, an owner, breeder and recognized leader in Thoroughbred racing. Breeding and racing under the stable name Jay Em Ess Stable, with his wife Jan and daughter Samantha, Siegel was known for his dedication to the sport and his commitment to charitable causes both in and out of racing. Samantha Siegel is a member of the CARMA Board of Directors and is Vice President of the organization.

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